Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

restless bust

restless bust, 2009, video, 3 min 17 sec

head wants to apologize to itself ( kendinden özür dilemek isteyen kafa )

head wants to apologize to itself, 2009,acrylic on canvas, 200x150 cm

reading head and its cursed shadow ( okuyan kafa ve lanetlenmiş gölgesi)

reading head and its cursed shadow, 2009, acrylic on canvas, 60x40 cm

unique heads, unique cells (biricik kafalar, biricik hücreler)

unique heads, unique cells,2009, acrylic on paper, 70x50 cm

the heads, once upon a time said "no" ( bir zamanlar hayır diyen kafalar )

the heads, once upon a time said "no",2009,acrylic on canvas,150x100 cm

kitaplık hapishanesindeki kafa ( head in prison bookshelf )

head in prison bookshelf, 2009,acrylic on paper, 70x50 cm

let do and let pass-heads (bırakınız yapsınlar, bırakınız geçsinler kafaları)

let do and let pass-heads, 2009, acrylic on paper, 60x40 cm

restless heads on canvas

restless heads on canvas, 2008, permanent marker on canvas, 35x25 cm

neredeyim?/ where am I?

neredeyim?/ where am I?  , 2010, oil on paper, 35x25 cm

kafa endüstrisi/ head industry

kafa endüstrisi/head industry,2010, mixed media on paper,100x70 cm

detay/detail-kafa endüstrisi/head industry

detay/detail-kafa endüstrisi/head industry

"am I one of your products?!!!!!"

kafa öğütme endüstrisi / head milling industry

kafa öğütme endüstrisi /head milling industry , 2010, mixed media on canvas, 100x70 cm

bizim oralar/our hometown

bizim oralar/our hometown, 2010
sanatçı sendromu/artist syndrome, 2010
"sanatçı kendisini umutsuzluğun derin pasifliği içinde buluR"MUŞ!
AS IF  "the artist find herself/himself in a deep passivism of despair"!, 2010

üzgünüm bakıyor sadece/sorry its just looking

üzgünüm bakıyor sadece/sorry its just looking, 2010


unutucu/forgetter, 2010
the eye, 2010
untitled, 2010


umarsızca/hopelessly 2010

teardrop bag

teardrop bag, 2010
clouds, 2010, mixed media on paper, 35x25 cm

paper heads

paper heads,2010, mixed media on paper, 25x25 cm

exhibition opening ( sergi açılışı )

exhibition opening, 2010, mixed media on craft paper, 26x20 cm
                                                blue bug, 2010                       cloud girl, 2010
maybe I should quit thinking, 2010, mixed media on paper, 100x70 cm
suns, 2010, mixed media on paper, 100x70 cm


untitled, 2010, acrylic on craft paper, 100x70 cm
one and the other one, 2010, mixed media on paper, 35x25 cm


bad, 2010, mixed media on paper, 35x25 cm